Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness means that a muscle can’t contract or does with limited power to do so. Clinically we measure weakness with different grades from 0-5. Sometimes muscles are simply weakened from disuse. This means that they / you are deconditioned.

Of course, there are many serious reasons for muscle weakness as well. They range from neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, ALS, and Myasthenia gravis to spinal cord injuries and pinched nerves. If you have a pinched nerve, then your muscle weakness can range from barely weak at first to paralysis of the muscles involved. There are diseases, such as lyme disease, that can cause neurological problems and muscle weakness. There are also primary diseases of muscles as well. So the depth and breadth of muscle weakness not only has many causes, but will also vary in degree and magnitude.

To get to the bottom of your muscle weakness, a thorough neurological evaluation must be performed along with an in depth consultation, and possible other lab tests. Schedule your appointment now to find out what is causing your weakness and how to recover your strength.